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Talk:Value types

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Value types


I have some doubts about the mentioned value types.

1) Indeed there are many types of values. Maybe there are even more than thousand different value types. We are usually lazy to think of so many types so we just mention the most obvious ones: 1) Ethical values 2) Aesthetical values 3) Economical values

To which of the mentioned types in the article would you add the economical values?

2) Doctrine (Political, ideological, religious or social beliefs and values - This can be seen as a subcategory of ethical values)

I don’t see why a doctrine should be a subcategory of ethical values? In my point of view, for any type of value you can have a doctrine. f.e. Lets believe in: Jesus Christ was a handsome man! Would this not be an aesthetical doctrine?

In general I would not characterise doctrine as a type of value. Maybe "form of value" would be a better notion.

The same could be said about the “inborn values”; only I don’t exactly understand how you mean it with the inborn values? Could you please give an example of an inborn value?

3) Numeral (a quantitative value, constant, or variable)

This is a good point. In mathematics for example we speak about the value of a constant or a variable. This value can’t be ethical, aesthetical or economical. It is simply a mathematical value of a constant or a variable. This is because mathematics operates in general terms.

However, mathematics does not exist only for its own sake. If mathematics is used in economics, values of variables will stand for economical values. If we use algebra to describe an ethical system values of variables will stand for ethical values.

(I am currently working on my thesis about axiology and its impacts to economics. Please feel free to write me an e-mail if you are also interested in this topic or look for prospect postgaduate students )

Thanks in advance, Patrick B. ( pbs@centrum.sk )

PBS 23:00, 20 Mar 2004 (UTC)