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Same-sex marriage in Argentina

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Same-sex marriage has been legal in Argentina since July 22, 2010. Bills to legalize same-sex marriage were introduced to the National Congress in 2009 by deputies from the Socialist and New Encounter parties. Following much discussion, a unified bill passed the Chamber of Deputies on May 5, 2010 by a vote of 126 to 110, and the Senate on July 15 by 33 votes to 27. President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner signed the bill into law on July 21, and it went into effect the following day. Polling indicates that a majority of Argentines support the legal recognition of same-sex marriage.[1] Argentina was the first country in South America and Latin America, the second in the Americas, the second in the Hispanic world, the second in the Southern Hemisphere and the tenth in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.[2][3]

Civil unions providing some of the rights and benefits of marriage have been available nationwide since 2015. Before this, some jurisdictions had enacted civil union laws, including the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the province of Río Negro.

Civil unions


In the first decade of the 21st century, civil unions (Spanish: unión civil or unión convivencial) were legalized in four jurisdictions in Argentina: the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (2002),[4] the province of Río Negro (2003),[5] the city of Villa Carlos Paz (2007),[6] and the city of Río Cuarto (2009).[7] Civil unions provide some of the rights granted to married couples and can only be entered into by couples who have lived together for a given time, usually one or two years.

Civil unions were legalized nationwide on 1 August 2015 when the Civil and Commercial Code (Código Civil y Commercial), which replaced the former Civil Code of Argentina, came into effect.[8] The Code was approved by Parliament in October 2014 and promulgated by President Fernández de Kirchner on October 7, 2014. Couples in civil unions have access to hospital visitation rights, and inheritance and pension rights, among other rights and benefits.[9][10]

Unregistered cohabitation


On August 19, 2008, the Government of Argentina announced that it was allowing cohabiting same-sex couples who have lived together for over five years the right to collect the pensions of their deceased partners. This was the first time that unregistered cohabitation or rights for same-sex partners were recognized nationwide.[11] Consequently, four Argentine labor unions extended National Security System medical benefits to employees' same-sex partners (the system operates jointly with unions in the health care area); the benefits are available to members of teacher, commerce employee, executive, and air-transport personnel unions. In December 2005, a judge ordered prisons across the province of Córdoba to authorize conjugal visits for all gay prisoners and allow sexual relations between inmates who develop relationships in prison.[12][13]

Same-sex marriage

Recognition of same-sex unions in South America
  Other type of partnership
  Country subject to IACHR ruling
  Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples
  Same-sex sexual activity illegal, though penalties not enforced

Legislative action

President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner promulgating the same-sex marriage bill, making Argentina the first Latin American country to legalise same-sex marriage, July 21, 2010

Two weeks before the 2009 mid-term elections, Justice Minister Aníbal Fernández issued a statement saying that he was in favor of starting a same-sex marriage debate in Congress, that a gender-neutral law would "end discrimination", and that "many people are demanding it". Fernández also said that former President Néstor Kirchner, husband of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, supported having a wider discussion on same-sex marriage in the country. President Fernández de Kirchner's position on same-sex marriage was unknown at the time. Justice Minister Fernández said he was presently "working toward" presenting a draft law to Congress, and that his ministry must first "evaluate all the different aspects of the issue".[14] The draft bill was never presented. At this time, LGBT groups gradually won over members of the Chamber of Deputies to their cause, aided by the decentralized nature of congressional parties which allowed advocacy groups to post incremental gains.[15]

In late 2009, the Argentine Congress considered two proposals, sponsored by Silvia Augsburger (Socialist Party) and Vilma Ibarra (New Encounter), to amend the Civil Code to permit same-sex marriages. Ibarra and Augsburger later agreed to unify their separate initiatives into one draft law. On October 27, 2009, the same-sex marriage bill was debated in the Chamber of Deputies' General Law Committee and the Committee on Family, Women, Children and Youth.[16][17][18][19] Ibarra expressed her desire to have same-sex marriage in Argentina approved by the end of 2009.[20] Debate on the bill continued on November 5 and on November 10, before being postponed and resuming in March 2010.[21][22][23] A survey taken at the time found that 70% of Argentines supported legalizing same-sex marriage.[24]

On April 15, 2010, the Chamber of Deputies' General Law Committee and the Committee on Family, Women, Children and Youth recommended the legalization of same-sex marriage.[25][26] On May 5, 2010, the Chamber of Deputies passed the same-sex marriage bill by a vote of 126 to 110.[27][28][29][30] On July 6, the Senate's General Law Committee recommended rejection of the bill.[31] The bill was originally scheduled to be voted on July 14.[32] After a marathon session that extended into the early hours of the next day, on July 15 the Senate passed the same-sex marriage bill by a vote of 33 to 27.[33][34][35] The bill was signed into law by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner on July 21,[36][37][38] officially becoming the Marriage Equality Law (Spanish: Ley Matrimonio Igualitario, pronounced [lej matɾiˈmonjo iɣwaliˈtaɾjo]).[a] It was published in the Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina on July 22 and took effect that same day.[45][46] The law grants same-sex couples all the rights and responsibilities of marriage, including the right to adopt children. The first marriage was performed on July 30, 2010 between Miguel Ángel Calefato and José Luis Navarro in Frías, Santiago del Estero.[47][48]

The law also allows transgender people to marry their partners. The first such marriage occurred in San Miguel de Tucumán on August 3, 2010 between Juan Carlos Lizárraga and Rody Humano, a transgender woman who served as a councilwoman in Bella Vista.[49][50] On July 27, 2012, a Buenos Aires couple, Alejandro Grinblat and Carlos Dermgerd, became the first men in Latin America to obtain double paternity of a newborn.[51] Their baby, Tobías, is the natural son of one of the two men and was born to a surrogate mother. He became the first person in Argentina with a birth certificate listing two fathers.[52]

Judicial rulings

Crowd in support of same-sex marriage in Buenos Aires, 2010

On February 14, 2007, activists María Rachid and Claudia Castrosín Verdú filed a judicial appeal to declare articles 172 and 188 of the Civil Code unconstitutional for preventing same-sex couples from marrying.[53]

On November 12, 2009, a court in Buenos Aires approved the marriage of a same-sex couple, Alex Freyre and José María Bello, ruling that articles 172 and 188 of the Civil Code were unconstitutional.[54][55] Chief of Government Mauricio Macri said he would not appeal the ruling,[56][57] but the marriage was blocked on November 30 by another court, pending review by the Supreme Court.[58] In December 2009, the Governor of Tierra del Fuego, Fabiana Ríos, ordered the civil registry office to perform and register their marriage. On December 28, the two men were legally wed in Ushuaia, the provincial capital city, making them the first same-sex couple to marry in Latin America.[59] On April 14, 2010, the marriage was declared null and void,[60][61] but it technically remained legal because the decision was not communicated to the parties.[62] The married couple said that they would appeal the court's decision if notified.[63][64] The couple announced their divorce in 2015. Journalist Bruno Bimbi revealed that, although the men were both gay, they were not a couple and only acted as such as part of a plan to champion LGBT rights.[65]

On March 10, 2010, a judge in Buenos Aires declared a second same-sex marriage, between Damián Bernath and Jorge Esteban Salazar Capón, illegal.[66] On April 16, a third same-sex marriage between two women was annulled by a judge who ruled that Argentine law limited marriage to "a man and a woman".[67][68] Administrative Judge Elena Liberatori later overturned that decision and declared the marriage valid, ordering the Civil Registry of Buenos Aires to deliver the marriage license to the court.[69]

Following the first legal same-sex marriage in December 2009, seven other same-sex couples were joined in legal matrimony in Argentina before the national law legalizing same-sex marriage took effect at the end of July 2010.[70] At that time, the Supreme Court was considering several cases concerning the right of same-sex couples to marry.[71] On July 2, 2010, some media reported that the Supreme Court had a prepared ruling in favor of Rachid and Castrosín's case filed in February 2007, but eventually decided not to release their ruling following the legalisation of same-sex marriage.[72][73]

Opposition to the legislation


In July 2010, while the law was under consideration, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires (later Pope Francis), wrote a letter to Argentina's cloistered nuns in which he said:[74][75]

In the coming weeks, the Argentine people will face a situation whose outcome can seriously harm the family…At stake is the identity and survival of the family: father, mother and children. At stake are the lives of many children who will be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. At stake is the total rejection of God's law engraved in our hearts. [...] Let's not be naive: This is not a simple political fight; it is a destructive proposal to God's plan. This is not a mere legislative proposal (that's just its form), but a move by the father of lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God… Let's look to St. Joseph, Mary, and the Child to ask fervently that they defend the Argentine family in this moment... May they support, defend, and accompany us in this war of God.

After L'Osservatore Romano reported this, several priests expressed their support for the law and one was defrocked.[75] Observers believe that the church's strident opposition and Bergoglio's language, which one political opponent characterized as "medieval, reactionary",[76] worked in favor of the law's passage and that Roman Catholic officials learned from their failed campaign against the same-sex marriage law to adopt a different tone in later debates on social issues such as parental surrogacy.[76][77] As of 2005, more than three-fourths of Argentines identified themselves as Roman Catholics, but less than two-fifths of them attended religious service at least once a month.[78] Evangelical groups also joined the opposition.[33][79]


Marriage of singer Carlos Morell and his husband Claudio Adrián Jofré, September 17, 2011

By July 2012, about 5,800 same-sex marriages had occurred in Argentina according to the Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans, distributed by jurisdiction as follows: Buenos Aires (1,455), the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (1,405), Santa Fe (664), Córdoba (632), Mendoza (389), Tucumán (199), Salta (178), Entre Ríos (128), Neuquén (101), San Juan (70), Misiones (64), Río Negro (64), La Pampa (58), Jujuy (56), Chaco (51), Catamarca (49), Chubut (47), Formosa (44), Santiago del Estero (42), San Luis (37), Santa Cruz (35), Corrientes (31), La Rioja (31), and Tierra del Fuego (14).[80] By July 2014, 9,362 same-sex marriages had been performed in Argentina.[81][82]

By 2017, more than 16,200 same-sex marriages had taken place in Argentina; 4,286 and 3,836 same-sex marriages were performed in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the province of Buenos Aires, respectively.[83] As Argentine law does not require couples who wish to wed to be Argentine nationals or residents of Argentina, many couples from abroad have come to Argentina to marry, including many couples from Chile and Paraguay. This has made Argentina, and especially Buenos Aires, a very popular marriage destination for same-sex couples.[84] By July 2018, 18,000 same-sex couples had married in Argentina.[85]

The following table shows the number of civil unions and marriages performed in the city of Buenos Aires.[86][87] Figures for 2020 are lower than previous years because of the restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Marriages and civil unions in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires[86][87]
Year Same-sex unions Total unions Same-sex marriages Total marriages
Female Male Total Female Male Total
2003 18 61 79 111 - - - -
2004 22 72 94 163 - - - -
2005 33 58 91 203 - - - -
2006 38 65 103 342 - - - -
2007 34 50 84 407 - - - -
2008 33 84 117 397 - - - -
2009 50 111 161 518 - - - -
2010 19 44 63 555 110 283 393 13,390
2011 15 22 37 608 177 432 609 13,209
2012 15 27 42 605 132 294 426 12,667
2013 12 17 29 670 152 284 436 11,642
2014 10 25 35 636 157 278 435 11,478
2015 14 17 31 509 153 267 420 11,715
2016 13 15 28 591 182 280 462 11,630
2017 28 31 59 947 160 264 424 10,511
2018 38 76 114 1,480 198 321 519 10,893
2019 62 110 172 2,158 203 375 578 11,220
2020 16 31 47 755 104 144 248 3,877
2021 88 103 191 2,919 309 416 725 11,989
2022 388 464 852 13,426

Religious performance


Some small Christian denominations authorise the blessing of same-sex unions. The Waldensian Evangelical Church of the River Plate became the first denomination in Argentina to do so in 2006.[88] In 2006, a lesbian couple, Virgina Cortés and Jessica Schmukler, were blessed at the Danish Church of San Telmo in Buenos Aires, part of the Church of Denmark, the first blessing for a same-sex couple in Argentina.[89] The Evangelical Methodist Church in Argentina allows its clergy the "freedom to accompany" same-sex couples and to bless their unions.[90] In July 2016, Jesús Regules and Jonathan Díaz were married at the Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Valle in the town of San Roque near Maipú by an Anglican priest, the first church wedding for a same-sex couple in Argentina.[91] A few months earlier, a lesbian couple, Victoria Escobar and Romina Charur, were married at a Reform Jewish synagogue in Buenos Aires, marking the first Jewish same-sex wedding in Latin America.[92]

The Catholic Church opposes same-sex marriage and does not allow its priests to officiate at such marriages. In December 2023, the Holy See published Fiducia supplicans, a declaration allowing Catholic priests to bless couples who are not considered to be married according to church teaching, including the blessing of same-sex couples.[93] Bishop of San Isidro Óscar Vicente Ojea Quintana issued a statement on 30 December that "a brutal experience of abandonment by the Church that has done so much harm to us and that has alienated so many brothers and sisters. Living in an irregular situation or carrying out a homosexual union does not obscure many aspects of the lives of people who seek to be enlightened with a blessing and upon receiving it, this becomes the greatest possible good for these brothers since it leads to conversion."[94]

Public opinion

Support for same-sex marriage among 18–21-year-olds according to a 2016 survey from the Varkey Foundation

According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted between November 15, 2013 and January 8, 2014, 52% of Argentines supported same-sex marriage, while 40% were opposed.[95][96] A 2015 Ipsos poll found that 59% of Argentines were in favour of same-sex marriage. A further 16% supported civil unions or other forms of legal recognition.[97]

A September–October 2016 survey by the Varkey Foundation found that 73% of 18–21-year-olds supported same-sex marriage in Argentina.[98]

The 2017 AmericasBarometer showed that 65% of Argentines supported same-sex marriage.[99] This level of support was the second highest among the 11 South American countries polled, behind neighboring Uruguay at 75%. A May 2021 Ipsos poll showed that 73% of Argentines supported same-sex marriage, 9% supported civil unions but not marriage, while 10% were opposed to all legal recognition for same-sex couples, and 8% were undecided. In addition, 20% of Argentines had already attended the wedding of a same-sex couple.[100]

A 2023 Ipsos poll showed that 70% of Argentines supported same-sex marriage, while 8% supported civil unions or other types of partnerships but not marriage, 14% were undecided and 8% were opposed to all recognition for same-sex couples.[101] A Pew Research Center poll conducted between February and May 2023 showed that 67% of Argentines supported same-sex marriage, 26% were opposed and 7% did not know or had refused to answer. When divided by age, support was highest among 18–34-year-olds at 75% and lowest among those aged 35 and above at 62%. Women (73%) were also more likely to support same-sex marriage than men (60%).[1]

See also



  1. ^ In some regional languages of Argentina:[39][40][41][42][43][44]


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