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Created an Early Literacy page in Wikipedia







Reading (activity)

Reading education

Reading recovery

Early childhood education

Strategies for Promoting Early Literacy in the Class

  • Show enthusiam in reading books
  • Tell stories through drawn pictures
  • Assemble a cut-up story (story sequencing)
  • Reread stories so children learn the story lines and can 'read' them on their own
  • Read rhyming books or pomes to the childre
  • Sing songs and do finger plays
  • Allow chilren to create and publish books
  • Encourage dramatization of stories
  • Clap out sylabols of words
  • Make rhymes and songs using childrens names
  • Working with letters and/or words using magnetic letters

Strategies for Promoting Early Literacy in the Home

  • Read familiar stories
  • Make up fun rhymes while doing chores
  • Sing instead of talk
  • Ask question and encourage child to ask questions
  • Supply a wide variety of literacy equipment (crayons, paper, pens, envelopes, ect)

Foundations for Early Literacy Development

Oral Language

  • strengthen listening and speaking abilities
  • develop confidence in using language
  • become familiar with vocabulary and sentence structure


  • develop an enjoyment for reading
  • becoming familiar with the language of fiction and nonfiction books
  • develop basic book knowledge,
  • develop concepts of print
  • develop the ability to track print


  • strengthen auditory and visual discrimination
  • develop phonemic awareness
  • develop knowledge of letter-sound relationships

Independent Reading and Writing

  • develop an enjoyment of writing
  • perceiving oneself as a reader and writer
  • view reading and writing as valuable

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